Ure So Gay

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The Pith:In India 5,000 years ago there were the hunter-gathers. Then came the Dravidian farmers. Finally came the Indo-Aryan cattle herders. Since the paper is not open access, let me give you the abstract first: Most Indian groups descend from a mixture of two genetically divergent populations

At some point, every believer has wondered if the Rapture is imminent. It’s only natural to ask if Jesus is coming back today, tomorrow, or in fifty years. Now, we know that Jesus told us we can’t know the day or the hour, but we’re pretty sure we are the exception—because we’ve been staring pretty […]

About Gay Men’s Health Gay Men’s Health exists to improve the physical, mental, emotional, social and sexual health of all gay and bisexual men living in …

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Finger length may be an indication of sexual orientation, a controversial study has shown. Scientists from California found that lesbian women have a greater difference in length between their ring finger and index finger than straight women do. The same pattern was also found for homosexual men

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Night Watch (Ночной дозор, Nochnoi Dozor) is a book series by Sergey Lukyanenko, a …

Gay Woods (1 September 1948) is an Irish singer. She was one of the original members of Steeleye Span

If You’re Hunting for Forrest Fenn’s Buried Treasure, Start Here. An annotated guide to The Thrill of the Chase, and to the best-selling author every hopeful hunter needs to know to decode his poem and find the gold.

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A description of tropes appearing in Anita Blake. Once upon a time, there was a necromancer/animator/vampire executioner living in The Unmasqued World. She …

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Homosexuality from Several Viewpoints. There are several aspects to the cultural debate surrounding homosexual behavior. In this …